
Work created by Eden Hensley Silverstein or E Hensley World Group, Inc., is protected by copyright. But, what exactly does that mean?

Copyright gives me ownership of what I create. And while I've chosen to share my work on the Internet, as the creator of a work I still get to say how it is used and who can use it. 

So, it's NOT OK to share full posts and worksheets without written permission. Unless you talk to me and get specific permission that covers your intended use, you may NOT share full posts and worksheets. Copying and reposting full recipes, crafts, or tutorials doesn't help either of us; Google penalizes both of us for duplicate content.

Full posts and worksheets may NOT be used for commercial purposes without written permission. If you'd like to license my work, send me an email and let's chat.  


If you would like to share a marketing tutorial, please use the branded image without modification along with a credit to E Hensley World Group, Inc., and link back to the original post. When in doubt about whether an intended use is ok or not, send me an email

If you would like to share a recipe or a craft, please use only one photo without modification with credit to Eden Hensley Silverstein for The Road to The Good Life and link back to the original post. If you want to share a photo from my site that's been created by someone else (noted in the Credits at the bottom of each article), contact them directly. The permission they granted me may or may not extend to you. When in doubt about whether an intended use is ok or not, send me an email


All images posted on Eden Hensley are copyrighted by their creators and used with permission. 

All images posted on The Road to The Good Life are copyrighted by their creators and used with permission.